For the every invitation letter notarized should be write when you want to obtain the visitor’s visa for Canada because a letter of invitation does not guarantee issuance of visa and visa officers ensure about the eligibilities for a Canadian visa. In most of case when a person applies for visa in order to visit Canada that time can ask to friend or relative that live in Canada for the provide an invitation letter. This is not sure that applicant will obtain a visa because before the issue visa to the visa officer should be evaluate and match the requirements for this according the Canada’s immigration act. If a person write and sign to invitation letter it does not mean sure you becomes the legally responsible for visitor go for Canada rather than should be to applicant telling the truth and also should be complete to all the promises that were in the letter. Visitor must to submit invitation letter that time when you submit for a temporary resident visa.

Should invitation letter be notarized?

Yes sure it is mandatory part and some in visa offices require that your invitation letter should be notarized with the notary public. And for known about the processing of application you should be search to visa office. This letter must be submitted to the Canadian embassy or consultant that is outside the Canada if you want to apply for temporary resident visa.

Processing your visa application

When you submitted your application, then visa officer will sure verify completely with the ensuring all the mandatory documents but if you are incomplete from your details or information than it will not be processed or it can be returned to you. After the completed your application process you can have some questions about the medical exam those some point are mentioned below.

Medical exam

  • You need to go for the medical checkup when you get the permission to enter in Canada. And in this situation visa officer will be send you some important instructions.
  • If you go for the medical examination then it can take some time for the request to be completed, for getting the appointment with the doctor and doctor also take some time for show the result to citizenship and immigration in Canada.

Police certificate

  • You may have ask about the Police certificate for you and your family members that are at least 18 years old and will going to Canada with you. For this visa officer will contact you if it will be mandatory.


  • In most of case not require for the interview but if need to conduct interview then visa officer will contact you and fix the date and location for interview.

Returning your documents

  • When visa officer completed evaluated in your application process then your passport and the all original documents will be returned to you.
  • But original bank statement will not be returned.
  • And if you have sent fraudulent document then it will also not returned.

How can All Canada notary help with your invitation letter?

For the notarize to the invitation letter all Canada’s notary will more help to you because it is important things in both mode physical and virtual / online notary service. You can get the help for notarized with your comfort of your home or office.
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